

Everyone has heard about Kilimanjaro, but did you know it was in Tanzania?

Since its official opening in 1977, Kilimanjaro ‘National Park has become one of Tanzania’s most popular, and most visited, National Park. This park is not famous for its wildlife, like all the other National Parks in Tanzania, but the uniqueness of a snowcapped mountain close to equator, and the chance to climb to the roof of Africa.


  • Africa’s highest mountain, 5.895 m above sea level
  • Three extinct or dormant volcanoes, Kibo (5.895 m), Mawenzi (5.149 m) and Shira (3.962 m)
  • Rises 4.800 m up from the plains
  • Cover 4 square kilometres • 40 kilometres across at its widest point

Mount Kilimanjaro is the continents highest peak, and one of Africa’s most magnificent sighs. The highest freestanding mountain in the world, rising from cultivated farmlands, through lush rainforest to alpine meadows, and at last in between lunar landscape up to the twin summits of Kibo (5.895 m) and Mawenzi (5.149 m) peaks. The lower forests are home to many animals, including buffaloes, leopards and monkeys, and higher up, occasionally the mountain Eland, but these are all rarely sighted.